Psychiatry: Fake science. Real harm.
is the slogan of our campaign against the plan of the WPA to hold it's World Congress in Berlin next year.
On 3rd of December 2015 we disinvited the WPA. We have not yet received an answer from the WPA president as promised by him on 4th December 2015:"I...will respond fully." Our understanding is that with this silence the WPA demonstrates it's solidarity with German psychiatry to whitewash it's mass murder crimes with "international innocence".
To allow the public to make it's own judgement, all of our correspondence with the WPA is now published on our homepage:
Below you can read our letter of disinvitation. The subsequent correspondence you find here:
There is also a video interview with the WPA President which we comment with our subtitles:
We appeal for international support to prevent this obnoxious meeting in Berlin.
Please send letters or e-mails of your dismay about this location for this world congress to the WPA and especially to your national psychiatric association (please CC us). Feel free to copy and paste from our correspondence with the WPA. We could also provide additional e-mail addresses from other WPA functionaries.
In the event that the WPA does not relocate this congress outside of Germany, we hope for further support with protesting.
Please snowball this message in your e-mail address lists and/or newsletters.
Best regards,
René Talbot and Uwe Pankow
For the board of the
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Psychiatrie-Erfahrener (German psychiatric survivor organization)
Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte, Greifswalder Str. 4, 10405 Berlin
Re: Letter of disinvitation
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2015 11:10:19 +0100
From: die BPE <>
To: Dinesh Bhugra <>
(CC):Kallivayalil, Secretary General <>
To the President of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA)
Professor Dinesh Bhugra
Institute of Psychiatry (King’s College London)
De Crespigny Park
PO Box 25, HSPRD
London SE5 8AF
Dear Professor Dinesh Bhugra,
The victims of psychiatric coercion in Germany are disgusted to learn that the WPA plans to hold its world conference in October 2017 in Berlin. We, the people who suffer from the crimes German psychiatrists commit, disinvite the WPA.
In Germany we call psychiatrists state protected criminals and nowhere in the world is this more true than in Berlin. The industrialization of mass-murder of psychiatric inmates in gas chambers was organized in Tiergartenstrasse 4 in Berlin, continuing up to 1941, when the staff, the technique and part of the equipment was exported to the extermination camps in occupied Poland. Henry Friedlander documents this beginning of the holocaust in his book "The Origins of the Nazi-Genocide". The mass-murder in German psychiatries continued up to 1949 (from 1945-1949 without the Nazi regime) by systematic starvation to death and lethal injections (Heinz Faulstich documents this in his book, which Ernst Klee refers to).
Should the WPA continue its plan to come to Berlin for a world congress with the title: Psychiatry of the 21st Century: Context, Controversies and Commitment, the WPA would demonstrate that also in Germany psychiatry can continue "business as usual". That would be whitewashing the German psychiatric mass-murder, because these crimes would then be trivialized as being history of a past century which can now be forgotten. Such a decision we recognize as a solidarization with German psychiatry and the crimes it has committed.
German psychiatrists are criminals not only from 1939 to 1949; after 1949 German psychiatry shamelessly continued the torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and up until today it fails to comply with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). In 2015 the UN Human Rights office documented this in the report by the CRPD committee, citation:
The WPA should therefore hold its world congress outside of Germany. Additionally we recommend holding a Thematic Conference on the history of psychiatry, including excursions to the remaining gas chambers in Bernburg and Hadamar which are still in their original condition, to other memorial sites and to the German state archive with more than 7,000 files of murdered victims.
Yours sincerely,
René Talbot and Uwe Pankow
For the board of the
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Psychiatrie-Erfahrener
PS. We are sending copies of this letter to some of your WPA colleagues.
Dear Dr. Leonard,
Thank you very much for circulating our message! Especially in GB people could write directly to Prof. Bhugra in London. If you don't mind, please send us any feedback to your internet publications of our disinvitation.
Best regards,
rene talbot and Uwe Pankow
is the slogan of our campaign against the plan of the WPA to hold it's World Congress in Berlin next year.
On 3rd of December 2015 we disinvited the WPA. We have not yet received an answer from the WPA president as promised by him on 4th December 2015:"I...will respond fully." Our understanding is that with this silence the WPA demonstrates it's solidarity with German psychiatry to whitewash it's mass murder crimes with "international innocence".
To allow the public to make it's own judgement, all of our correspondence with the WPA is now published on our homepage:
Below you can read our letter of disinvitation. The subsequent correspondence you find here:
There is also a video interview with the WPA President which we comment with our subtitles:
We appeal for international support to prevent this obnoxious meeting in Berlin.
Please send letters or e-mails of your dismay about this location for this world congress to the WPA and especially to your national psychiatric association (please CC us). Feel free to copy and paste from our correspondence with the WPA. We could also provide additional e-mail addresses from other WPA functionaries.
In the event that the WPA does not relocate this congress outside of Germany, we hope for further support with protesting.
Please snowball this message in your e-mail address lists and/or newsletters.
Best regards,
René Talbot and Uwe Pankow
For the board of the
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Psychiatrie-Erfahrener (German psychiatric survivor organization)
Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte, Greifswalder Str. 4, 10405 Berlin
Re: Letter of disinvitation
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2015 11:10:19 +0100
From: die BPE <>
To: Dinesh Bhugra <>
(CC):Kallivayalil, Secretary General <>
To the President of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA)
Professor Dinesh Bhugra
Institute of Psychiatry (King’s College London)
De Crespigny Park
PO Box 25, HSPRD
London SE5 8AF
Dear Professor Dinesh Bhugra,
The victims of psychiatric coercion in Germany are disgusted to learn that the WPA plans to hold its world conference in October 2017 in Berlin. We, the people who suffer from the crimes German psychiatrists commit, disinvite the WPA.
In Germany we call psychiatrists state protected criminals and nowhere in the world is this more true than in Berlin. The industrialization of mass-murder of psychiatric inmates in gas chambers was organized in Tiergartenstrasse 4 in Berlin, continuing up to 1941, when the staff, the technique and part of the equipment was exported to the extermination camps in occupied Poland. Henry Friedlander documents this beginning of the holocaust in his book "The Origins of the Nazi-Genocide". The mass-murder in German psychiatries continued up to 1949 (from 1945-1949 without the Nazi regime) by systematic starvation to death and lethal injections (Heinz Faulstich documents this in his book, which Ernst Klee refers to).
Should the WPA continue its plan to come to Berlin for a world congress with the title: Psychiatry of the 21st Century: Context, Controversies and Commitment, the WPA would demonstrate that also in Germany psychiatry can continue "business as usual". That would be whitewashing the German psychiatric mass-murder, because these crimes would then be trivialized as being history of a past century which can now be forgotten. Such a decision we recognize as a solidarization with German psychiatry and the crimes it has committed.
German psychiatrists are criminals not only from 1939 to 1949; after 1949 German psychiatry shamelessly continued the torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and up until today it fails to comply with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). In 2015 the UN Human Rights office documented this in the report by the CRPD committee, citation:
33. The Committee is deeply concerned that the State party [Germany] does not recognize the use of physical and chemical restraints, solitary confinement and other harmful practices as acts of torture. for this reason we claim psychiatrists to be state protected criminals. The Guidelines of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities rule on Article 14 of the CRPD the right to liberty and security of persons with disabilities. Any psychiatric incarceration without a prior authorization by a psychiatric advance directive (PAD) of the person in question is now a crime of deprivation of liberty. Any forced psychiatric treatment without a prior authorization in a PAD is now a crime of bodily harm and torture/CID treatment.
The WPA should therefore hold its world congress outside of Germany. Additionally we recommend holding a Thematic Conference on the history of psychiatry, including excursions to the remaining gas chambers in Bernburg and Hadamar which are still in their original condition, to other memorial sites and to the German state archive with more than 7,000 files of murdered victims.
Yours sincerely,
René Talbot and Uwe Pankow
For the board of the
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Psychiatrie-Erfahrener
PS. We are sending copies of this letter to some of your WPA colleagues.
Dear Dr. Leonard,
Thank you very much for circulating our message! Especially in GB people could write directly to Prof. Bhugra in London. If you don't mind, please send us any feedback to your internet publications of our disinvitation.
Best regards,
rene talbot and Uwe Pankow
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