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Friday, 20 September 2019



List Price £7.99 from CHRIS FERRIE (University of Technology Sydney and father of four happy children)

Chris's Wikipedia page lists many further similarly pitched publications, Please remember that he is a quantum physicist.

Chris Ferrie very sensibly follows the example posthumously set by Rev, Thomas Bayes (1763) and his still alive sidekick Rev Richard Price by not including a statement of Bayes theorem in his seminal manuscript at all. Neither did Blaise Pascal or Pierre Fermat during their seventeenth century development of conditional probability, though they might have actually heard of it. As an albeit neurodiverse septuagenarian I find Ferrie's constructions to be almost as tedious to decipher as Bayes's. However, given all of our recent advances in Galtonian eugenics. I'm sure that the babies of 2019 will do much better.


On page 1 there is a red ball

On page 2 there are six balls of different colour (pieces of candy) on a cookie. Yum!

On page 3 there are also six balls of different colour on a cookie Some cookies have candy!

Image result for cookie with six candies

On page 4 there is a cookie with no candies  Some don't

On page 5 there is a bite-shaped portion of a cookie, with no candy

The same bite shaped portion appears on page 6, together with the remainder of the cookie. There are six pieces of candy on the larger portion. Did it (the bite-shaped portion) come from a candy cookie?

The picture on page 6 is reproduced on page 7. Either it came from a candy cookie---

---or it didn't .What are the chances? On page 8 the same bite shaped portion is compared with the remainder of the cookie, but now with no candies,

On page 9 there is a blank cookie with three symmetrically placed bite-marks

On page 10 it is stated that The probability of a no-candy bite, given a no-candy cookie is 1, and an attempt is made to illustrate this statement for babies by a conditional probability statement like

Pr (A l B)=1.

but where A and B are replaced by a picture of the bite shaped portion and a picture of the entire cookie. Confusing for some!

On page 11, the picture on page 9 wtth three bite shaped portions is reproduced, but now with six candies, Two of the bite shaped portions contain two candies, but the third one is blank.

On page 12 it is asserted that the probability of a no-candy bite, given a candy cookie, is 1/3. The 'justification' for this conclusion would appear to be completely arbitrary, and indeed totally incorrect if the baby had taken a random bite around the edge of the cookie illustrated on page 11. Undaunted, the author illustrates his fabrication by a conditional probability statement of the form

Pr(Al C)=1/3

where A and C are represented pictorially.

On page 13 it is stated that

Pr (Al B) > P (A lC)

since 1 is greater than 1/3

On page 14 there is again a picture of a candyless cookie, split into a bite shaped portion, and the remainder of the cookie. This is followed by the assertion that

So the no-candy bite probably came from a non-candy cookie!

Maybe babies would be less confused if 'probably' was replaced by 'more likely'.

On pages 15 and 16 there are pictures of ten delicious cookies, nine with six candies, and the other one blank.

But what if we knew there were 10 cookies. and all had candy but one?

The same ten cookies are reproduced on pages 17 and 18, but now all bitten

Take a bite of each, There are 4 no-candy bites. 3 bites are from candy.cookies . 1 bite is from a no-candy cookie

The same well-biiten cookies are reproduced on page 19.

1/3 of the candy cookies have a no-candy bite

On page 20 it is asserted that

P(Cl A)-=3/4

The probability of a candy cookie with a no-candy bite is 3/4

On page 21 there is a picture of the ten unbitten cookies

This is the prior distribution of cookies

On page 22 there is a picture of four bitten cookies

This is the posterior distribution of cookies


Thursday, 19 September 2019




Excerpt from A Very Public Sociologist blogspot:

To find one leading Conservative mouthing off about eugenics is unfortunate, the incidence of others indicates something else. We know about Toby Young, the self-styled "Toadmeister" and his hanging around with Nazis and paedophile apologists at a eugenics conference. He was joined this week by Ben Bradley, the Tories' new youth supremo for ill-advised blog posts advocating vasectomies for the unemployed. Speaking of the young, the semi-official Tory youth movement got it in the neck during the summer for private chats that featured "gassing chavs" among the banter, and during his mayoralty Boris Johnson (who else?) got himself in hot water by pinning inequality on IQ levels. There's more. Newly-minted minister Suella Fernandez and fellow MP John Penrose are opposed to the EU Charter of Rights because, among other things, it disallows eugenics.

 From Wikipedia:

In 2015, Young wrote an article for the Australian magazine Quadrant entitled "The fall of meritocracy". In it he advocated what he termed "progressive eugenics". Young proposed that when the technology for genetically engineered intelligence is practical it should be allowable for a decision to be made by poor parents with low IQs over which embryos should be allowed to develop using intelligence as a marker. "It could help to address the problem of flat-lining inter-generational social mobility", he wrote.[65][66]
In January 2018, Private Eye[67] and the London Student[68] revealed that Young attended the London Conference on Intelligence at University College London (UCL) in 2017, which was described by the media and a number of politicians as a "secret eugenics conference".[69] The conference was convened by Honorary UCL professor James Thompson, and included speakers such as Richard Lynn.[70]
Responding to these reports, Young wrote in The Spectator that he attended the conference as a journalist to report about it (which he later did) and that he "only [attended] for a few hours on a Saturday"[63] in preparation for the "super-respectable" International Society for Intelligence Research conference in Montreal in July 2017 at which he gave a speech, which was later published.[70][71][72] He also says that his resignation from the OfS and his presence at the conferences were unconnected.[72]
UCL launched an investigation into the London Conference on Intelligence, of which it had previously been unaware, for potentially breaking its room booking policy, after Young's presence at one of them had been revealed.[73][74] UCL has suspended any "further conferences of this nature".[75]
Young has been widely criticized for the scientific accuracy of statements he has made supporting eugenics.[76]

by Dr, Neal Curtis University of Auckland

Donald Trump and Boris Johnson's response to coronavirus has revealed some disturbing attitudes towards segments of the population 

Boris Johnson is known as an enthusiastic social Darwinist who believes society should be organised to flush out the weak

Johnson is a vociferous advocate of philosophical aristocracy, by which I mean not simply a believer in necessary social hierarchy, but that those who are at the top are there because they are inherently, even genetically superior. He is also known as an enthusiastic social Darwinist who believes society should be organised to flush out the weak. The importance of competition in a capitalist system for him is precisely because only the fittest succeed.
In his 2013 Margaret Thatcher Memorial Lecture, he argued that the "violent economic centrifuge" or capitalism accentuates inequalities amongst people "who are already very far from equal in raw ability" before going on to propose that people are also inherently unequal in "spiritual worth". This aristocratic ethos also encourages an interest in eugenics, shared by a number of his advisers. From this perspective, the idea he should propose a cull as a means of disease prevention becomes rather chilling.
Over the course of the last five years, the rise of the alt-right—with whom Johnson has a connection via Steve Bannon—has been alarming. One of their aims has been to shift the ‘Overton Window’, or the frame of acceptable speech. In particular, they want eugenics put back on the agenda because it helps re-establish the pseudo race science they are so fond of. Hence, one other thing we should learn from this pandemic is just how effective this project has become.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019



Churchill appears to have influenced the worst elements of the Tory Party (e.g. Eden, Thatcher, Cameron, IDS, Osborne, May, Johnson) to this very day, based upon the ideas of Darwinian 
Genetics, and Galtonian Eugenics. 



                                 CHURCHILL AND EUGENICS (International Churchill Society)


         When he was Home Secretary (February 1910-October 1911) Churchill was in favor of the confinement, segregation, and sterilization of a class of persons contemporarily described as the “feeble minded.”

       "a letter from Churchill to Asquith, written in December 1910, stating that “The unnatural and increasingly rapid growth of the Feeble-Minded and Insane classes, coupled as it is with a steady restriction among all the thrifty, energetic and superior stocks, constitutes a national and race danger which it is impossible to exaggerate.”


       “The improvement of the British breed is my aim in life,” Winston Churchill wrote to his cousin Ivor Guest on 19 January 1899, shortly after his twenty-fifth birthday. Churchill’s view was reinforced by his experiences as a young British officer serving, and fighting, in Arab and Muslim lands, and in South Africa. Like most of his contemporaries, family and friends, he regarded races as different, racial characteristics as signs of the maturity of a society, and racial purity as endangered not only by other races but by mental weaknesses within a race

            When the commission reported in 1908 to the Liberal Government-which had come into office at the end of 1905, and of which Churchill was a Cabinet Minister-it recommended compulsory detention of the mentally “inadequate,” as well as sterilisation of the “unfit,” so that it would be impossible to have children and thus perpetuate what were then seen as inherited characteristics.

          Between 24 and 30 July 1912, a month after the Second Reading of the Mental Deficiency Bill in Parliament, the first international Eugenics Conference was held in London, and was attended by four hundred delegates. Churchill was a Vice-President of the Congress, and Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, was one of its directors, as was Charles Eliot, a former President of Harvard, and the Regius Professor of Medicine at Oxford, Sir William Osler.




                                                        EUGENICS ARCHIVES

                                                        RACIST WARMONGER

                                                        RATIONAL WIKI

                                                 THE REAL WINSTON CHURCHILL

                                                     FROM THE CRIMES OF BRITAIN

                              And there's still lots of Eugenics in the Conservative Party today


                                               THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY'S EUGENICS PROBLEM

Sunday, 15 September 2019

Dr. Franz Hildebrandt, friend and inspiration to Dietrich Bonhoeffer


                                                     Pastor Franz Hildebrandt  (1909-1985)


I am currently reading this inspirational book, which has been lent to me by Rev. Hildebrandt's daughter.  Hildebrandt held so steadfastly to his principles of truth and morality that he was prepared to go to prison for them, for example the principle that Christ Jesus reigned in Nazi Germany, more so than Adolf Hitler..His Ph.D. dissertation inspired Bonhoeffer's understanding of Christ's presence, He was a pastor and hospital chaplain in Edinburgh, Scotland from 1968 to 1985, and he should be an inspiration to all of us during the current troubled pre-Brexit times.

       I referred to both Hildebrandt and Bonhoeffer during a short ministry to South Edinburgh Quakers on Sunday 15th October 2019, and this seemed to in part inspire four further ministries during the same hour of joint spirituality.


                                                       Dietrich Bonhoeffer  (1906-1945)

                                   AMAZON BOOKS BY FRANZ HILDEBRANDT


From Wikipedia:

He was ordained as a pastor in Berlin on June 18, 1933. Since his mother was of Jewish descent, he was affected by the introduction of the so-called Aryan Paragraph in some of the Protestant Churches in Germany after the Nazis came to power in 1933. Hildebrandt resigned from his post as a sign of protest against this church measure and left Germany to join his friend, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who was pastor to the German congregation in London at the time.
He returned to Germany after three months, having been asked by Pastor Martin Niemöller to help him build up the Pfarrernotbund, an organisation set up to help pastors affected by the infamous Arierparagraph. Shortly after Niemöller's arrest and subsequent detention until the end of World War II, Hildebrandt was himself arrested. Friends managed to procure his release, and he left once again for England, now in permanent exile.

From Gracewing:

Franz Hildebrandt’s early ministry began and developed under the shadow of the swastika in Hitler’s Germany.  His close, deep friendship and pastoral colleagueship with Dietrich Bonhoeffer in fighting that evil power marked them both as true witnesses for Jesus Christ.
His subsequent exile to England (1937) - his mother was Jewish - his work as a pastor to refugees, as  Methodist minister, as a professor of theology in the USA and finally as assistant pastor in the Church of Scotland reveal him as a man who was fearless for the Gospel and who was also a loving, caring friend practising the faith both in words and life

Click also on: Dietrich Bonhoffer Portal.

From Bonhofferblog:

At the beginning of the Nazi era, Bonhoeffer and Hildebrandt planned actions and strategied against the “German Christians” (Deutsche Christen or DC) together, an originally rather large group of churches influenced strongly by the Nazi administration (NS-DAP).
The DC wanted to do away with the Old Testament and introduce the “Aryan Clauses,” which meant a ban on work for Jews.  The ban was also instituted in the church as well, which deterred some of the initial DC-followers, so that this group became somewhat smaller.
Franz Hildebrandt was a so-called “half-Jew.”  His Jewish mother, with whom he lived, also lived in Berlin-Grunewald.  After he was imprisoned for his activities in Martin Niemoller’s church in Dahlem, he was able to emigrate to England together with his mother, helped by the Bonhoeffer family.

(Renate Bethge, Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Brief Life, 47)


                             by Michael De Jonge

This paper examines Bonhoeffer’s understanding of Christ’s presence against the background of his friend Franz Hildebrandt’s dissertation, EST. Das lutherische Prinzip. Hildebrandt’s dissertation responds, in part, to Karl Barth, who argues that the Lutheran understanding of Christ’s presence compromises the divine character of revelation and prepares the way for nineteenth-century theology’s confusion of God with creation. In contrast to Hildebrandt’s defense of Christ’s presence, which relies on the logic of idealism that Barth rejects, Bonhoeffer articulates Christ’s presence with reference to what he understands as the core of the Lutheran Christological tradition: its focus on Christ’s person. By treating Christ’s presence through attention to the logic of person, Bonhoeffer purifies the Lutheran Christological tradition of its speculative tendencies, offering an account of Christ’s presence for a post-Barthian theological context.


  • Franz Hildebrandt, Est: Das Lutherische Prinzip. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1931.
  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer & Franz Hildebrandt, Glaubst du, so hast du: Versuch eines Lutherischen Katechismus (1932). Later published in: Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Gesammelte Schriften, Volume 3, Munich: Kaiser, 1966, pp. 248–257.
  • [anonymous] Martin Niemöller und sein Bekenntnis. Zollikon: Verlag der Evangelischen Buchhandlung, 1938; English translation: Pastor Niemoller and his Creed. London 1939.
  • Franz Hildebrandt, Theologie für Refugees: Ein Kapitel Paul Gerhardt. Issued by the Church of England Committee for "Non-Aryan" Christians. London: The Finsbury Press, 1940.
  • Franz Hildebrandt (ed.), 'And other Pastors of thy Flock': A German tribute to the Bishop of Chichester, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1942.
  • Franz Hildebrandt, Melanchthon: Alien or Ally? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1946.
  • Franz Hildebrandt, From Luther to Wesley. London: Lutterworth Press, 1951.
  • Franz Hildebrandt, Christianity according to the Wesleys: the Harris Franklin Rall lectures, 1954, delivered at Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, Illinois. London: Epworth Press 1956; Grand Rapids: Baker, 1996.
  • Franz Hildebrandt (ed.), Wesley Hymnbook. Kansas City 1963.
  • Franz Hildebrandt, I offered Christ: a Protestant study of the Mass. London: Epworth Press, 1967.
  • Franz Hildebrandt and Oliver A. Beckerlegge (eds.), A Collection of Hymns for the use of the People called Methodists. (The Works of John Wesley, vol. 7), Oxford: Clarendon Press 1983; Nashville: Abingdon Press 1991.


  • Dr. Franz Hildebrandt and Methodist hymns conducted by A.G. Dreisbach (with Denville Methodist Episcopal Church Choir). English Sound Recording: Music: Hymns: LP recording: 33​13 rpm ; 12 in., Madison, New Jersey 1959.


Monday, 9 September 2019



                                By Tom Leonard




       See Archives on Galtonian Eugenics                                                                                     

                         Pauline Mazumdar, Professor Emerita,
                     History of Medicine, University of Toronto

                                   P.D.F OF HER 1992 BOOK


The Statistics profession have not been describing the full story.

Much to my chagrin,  my  list includes ten past presidents (between 1912and 1974) of the Royal Statistical Society(click here for a list of all RSS presidents), together with one of its founders.  

Unless designated as 'Associated' or otherwise clarified,  all 

statisticians in this list should be regarded, in  my 

current opinion, as mainstream eugenicists. Please make 

comments or  suggest  possible  amendments. I include interdisciplinary Eugenicists with professional

expertise in Statistics, and several pre-Galtonian scientists who whose 

contributions might in  retrospect be regarded as encouraging eugenics.



                        Leonard Darwin, son of Charles Darwin

                                   Mentored Ronald Fisher in Darwinism, Eugenics and Statistics

                                                                      Encouraged Galton


                                                                     George Darwin  (Associated)

                                                       Another relative of the great Charles Darwin


                                                                            Alfred Binet

                                                                            IQ testing

                                                                      Edgar Schuster

                                                                 George Udny Yule 

                                                            Taught for Eugenics Society

                                                     President of Royal Statistical Society 1924-26*

Yule, like MacBride, had been Lidbetter’s teacher at the Eugenics Society’s course before the war. Karl Pearson, when his opinion was asked, suggested his coefficient of contingency could be used to correlate measured characters and environment. (Pauline M's book, p 96)

                                  Adolphe Quetelet (please read amazing on-line article which

                                                    authenticates with literature)

           A pre-Galton Eugenicist, in effect if not in intent. Phrenologist. Anthropomestrist.

 Influenced  Edinburgh Eugenicist George Combe.    Believed that the average 

is beautiful--created discrimination  e.g. against disabled  people. Helped found Royal 

Statistical Society in 1834. Encouraged GaltonInvented  highly discriminatory 



                 Florence Nightingale (slightly affiliated, as a disciple of Quetelet)


                                                See also  The Passionate Statistician & 

First woman fellow of Royal Statistical Society (1858) ,  

Truly great God-fearing applied statistician. Studied and adhered to the 

Statistics and Social Ideologies of Quetelet. Rubbed shoulders with Galton and 

Pearson. e.g. concerning the endowment of the first ever Chair of  Statistics. 

Much praised by Karl Pearson, who was appointed to the Chair of Eugenics 

as head of the new Department of Applied Statistics in 1911, shortly after her 

death .His Chair was endowed by a bequest from Francis Galton. Ronald 

Fisher, Lionel Penrose, and Harry Hill were  subsequent  incumbents, and all 

were tainted with eugenics,, Penrose changed the name of the Chair to

the Chair of Human Genetics in 1963, after occupying it for 18 years, and 

publishing more editions of The Biology of Mental Defect. He retired two years

 later to Harperbury Hospital in Hertfordshire, where he created the Kennedy-Galton 

Centre and practised  psychiatry on his patients until about 1970. Maybe the 

spectre of Quetelet was guiding him.

QUOTE: & when Florence Nightingale was in her early thirties, she was 
sketching out her religious ideas which were later privately printed as
 Suggestions for Thought. She interwove with her theology ideas taken 
from the Belgian statistician Adolphe Quetelet on probability and social 
behaviour. Florence Nightingale believed that the patterns of behaviour 
identified by Quetelet were expressions of the "Laws of God," left by the 
Creator in order to be discovered and acted upon. An understanding of 
society through statistics was just the start. The challenge that fell to 
Florence Nightingale was to use statistics to improve society. 


                                  The Forster-Leonard Archives on Galtonian Eugenics        

 ***************FRANCIS GALTON SUB-SECTION    



                                                                   Sir Francis Galton

                                       Name stricken from his lecture theatre at UCL in 2020

                                        Highly Inflammatory Racist Lecture (1904)

Galton was financed by his family of darkside Quakers who were into slavery, gun-running, and

dubious banking,

QUOTE: Looking at founder of eugenics- a white supremacist  off shoot of  Quaker**** Francis Galton, who is now subject of a bid  to remove his name from a laboratory and a university which previously idolised his fake science, it is possible to trace his hereditary lineage back to the “friendly” cult. Francis Galton, the racist, was the Grandson of Quaker gun maker Samuel Galton Junior, (there’s a bridge named after him in Smethwick).  Yes that’s right- “a peace lover” who made weapons of war, just as Albright and Wilson were paid for making weapons of mass destruction in both world wars which killed and maimed. 

                                                  Friend's House, London, Close to UCL campus,


1912) was held in Galton's memory. It would having lasting horrific effects on the history of the

twentieth century.

“western civilization was in danger of collapse, since we were preserving the weak and ‘genetically undesirable’ and allowing them to breed at an alarming rate…Indeed the pauper pedigrees presented at the Congress…proved conclusively that the poor and the feebleminded were highly fecund and would one day inherit the earth unless wise men intervened with a programme of genetic measures” (Chitty, 2007, p. 38).


                                                Imperial Institute, Imperial College Road




                                                                        Karl Pearson     
                                        Name  stricken from his building at UCL in 2020 

                                       Like Galton and Fisher. racist, anti-Semitic, sexist, eugenic towards the poor,

                         vulnerable, and mentally disabled. Scott and I took them apart at UCL in July 2019

                           Several top statisticians hold different opinions, including Stephen Stigler,

                           a pro-Galton historian at the University of Chicago.

                                          THE GALTON LAB (UCL ARCHIVE)



                                                      Sir Ronald Fisher (RSS President 1952-54)*

                                                            Second Chair of Eugenics at UCL

                                                          NOW WIDELY DEBUNKED

                                                                 Charles Davenport
                                                            U.S. Eugenics Records Office
                                                                  Helped edit Biometrika

                                                JBS Haldane, Biochemist, Biostatistician

                                                           Sewall Wright (Associated)

                                      Population Geneticist. Contemporary of Fisher and Haldane

                                              Discoverer of inbreeding coefficient and "F-Statistics"

                                                 Retired to University of Wisconsin-Madison



                                                                       Egon  Pearson

                                            Ran Galton Lab for a while. RSS President 1955-57*

                                           (shade of doubt, UCL archives need to be checked to confirm Egon's

                                             type of involvement in Galton Lab)

                                             "After joining the staff of K.P.'s laboratory" quote from McTutor


                                                  Frank Edgeworth  RSS President 1912-1914*


                                                                       William Beveridge

                                                             Highly Influential Eugenicist in

                                                              Welfare State,

                                                           Liberal Peer RSS President 1940-43*

                                                                    Walter Raphael Weldon

                                                           Joint Founding Editor of Biometrika



                                                                    Major Greenwood

                                               Greenwood published 3 joint articles with the much

                                   revered Frances Wood, who'd attended UCL courses in eugenics,  but he

                                  was much more of a eugenicist than Frances, owing to his activities in

                                  the Eugenics Society. President of Royal Statistical Society 1934-36*

                                          The much revered Frances Wood (Affiliated)




Sir William Palin Elderton (Associated). Leading Actuary

Sir William's highly destructive sister

Elderton produced many reports, the most controversial of which argued that predisposition to alcoholism was largely inherited. She wrote Primer of Statistics in 1909 with her brother William Palin Elderton, who had also worked for Pearson. She also wrote The Relative Strength of Nurture and Nature that same year.[1



                                                                   Wilhelm Weinberg

                                             In the German eugenics group with Rudin, Ploetz, 
                                             and Eugen Fischer

                                             (Showed that Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium 
                                              would require drastic measures against population
                                              to cause noticeable Eugenics.)


                                                      Corrado Gini, supporter of Mussolini, caused 
                             barbaric treatment of populations of East African Italian colonies,

                                              Economist (Gini Index) and Statistician


                        Bruno de Finetti (ASSOCIATED), neo-fascist colleague of Gini and 
                        supporter of Mussolini. According to Regazzini he wrote influential 
                       manuscript for Gini on evolution of Italian race, De Finetti complained 
                      that he did not receive enough credit, (He later attempted to rigorize the 

                       'coherent Bayesian paradigm' via a curious thought experiment and

                       technically unsound mathematics, that has misguided 'coherent 

                       Bayesians' ever since).


                                              Irving Fisher, Economist, Statistician, Eugenicist

                                                          Carl Brigham Psychometrician

                                                              John Maynard Keynes,

                                            Like Fisher, Keynes was a eugenicist at Cambridge


                                                          Charles Spearman, made famous
                                                                     by Spearman's Rho

                                     Sir Alexander Carr-Saunders

                                                           Lancelot Hogben (Associated). 

                                Worked closely with many eugenicists, though anti-Eugenicist

                                  for most of his life.

Hogben in 1930–31, then, was critical of the eugenist programme, as exemplified by the pauper pedigree project. He was sympathetic to the working class, and felt the need for new, more positivistic methods in research in human genetics. He was not against eugenics itself, as he was careful to say. But he felt that the existing methods of human genetics were simply unable to cope with the complexities of human biology and society; the gap between them had been stopped with middle-class propaganda. It was not until the middle of 1931 that both his working-class sympathies and the methodology of human genetics really came into bloom. The year 1931 saw the Second International Congress on the History of Science, which met in London; the Soviet delegation which unexpectedly turned up at this Congress brought to Britain the startling new ideas of Marxist philosophy of science. Hogben and the biochemist Joseph Needham participated in the session on ‘Historical and contemporary interrelationships of the physical and biological sciences’.46 During this meeting, both Hogben and Needham and other left-wing British scientists were able to meet with the Russians personally, and to discuss both science and Marxism with them. N.I.Bukharin, the most senior member of the delegation, visited Hogben at home. The meeting made a deep impression. Before this time the British group were politically left-wing, but not very aware of Marxism. After the meeting, and there is a great deal of evidence for this, Marxism came sharply into focus as a possible philosophy of science in Britain. Its influence can still be felt in the writing of later generations of British historians working on the social relations of science. 

         (BOOK BY PAULINE M, p114)



                            David Finney, C.B.E,  student and disciple of Fisher at

                         .         Finney wrote 3 articles on the detection of genetic linkages with 
                           dominant abnormalities, following Fisher. See reference by 

                                                           Pauline Mazumber

            Finney was a long  time member of Eugenics Society, while organising

                            national drug safety protocol. President of RSS 1973-74*. 
                            Mentioned in Joan Box-Fisher's Book. Much feted as a statistician.



                                Frank Yates, along with sundry animal genetics
                                    was a member of Eugenics Society.

                                               President RSS 1967-8*

Yates was a fellow of the Eugenics Society as recorded in 1957 Eugenics Review. He was also a colleague of Ronald Fisher at Rothamsted


                                            Sir Godfrey Thomson

                      I Q  Testing in Scotland, and world-wide, Eleven Plus

                                       1948 Departmental Photo

Key individuals who worked for the Godfrey Thomson Unit for Educational Research include:


                                                  David Glass

                                     Worked for Beveridge and Hogben

                                     On Eugenics Committee of 3 investigating Lothian Cohort Studies . Fellow of Eugenics Society (Eugenics Review, 1957)


Sir Cyril Burt

IQ Testing e.g. 'Mentally Defective', Eleven Plus

Erik Essen-Moller, Founding father of psychiatric genetics 
during Nazi Era

Collaborator with German eugenicist Ernst Rudin

Inventor of Essen-Moller formula that distorts Bayes Theorem by the introduction of a
random man, and still distorts parentage testing and investigations of criminal guilt in

cases involving blood group typing or DNA evidence.

Hans Eysenck


Milton Friedman

Statistician, Economist, Eugenicist

Lionel Penrose ( Controversial)

My opinion: Effectively Eugenic Psychiatrist e.g. at Harperbury Hospital, in his

methods of diagnosis of schizophrenic patients using IQ tests, and in his

book 'The Biology of Mental Defect' which I quoted to the UCL Commission.,

Geneticist and Statistician (applied and modified Fisher's techniques with

C.A.B. Smith). Claimed to be anti-eugenics but still practised it towards 

schizophrenic patients. UCL Commission was said by some distinguished 

academics  to have been too tough on him. I don't think so.

From page 143 of Pauline M's book:

The thirties was a decade of large-scale official reports on the subject of feeblemindedness. It began with the Wood Report of 1929, on the incidence of mental deficiency in the population, which was followed by the Brock Report of 1934 on sterilisation, and the Colchester Survey of 1938, Lionel S.Penrose’s study of the genetics of feeble-mindedness. One further report that can be considered as belonging to this series on mental deficiency was to follow in 1957. It was that of the Royal Commission on the Law relating to Mental Illness and Mental Deficiency, whose chairman was Lord Percy. 


Harry Harris

Eugenic towards Downs patients

Cedric A.B. Smith (Galton Laboratory, Associated)

Very harmful psychologist

Derrick Lawley  (Associated, worked on IQs with Godfrey Thomson at Moray House)

A.E. Maxwell (Associated) 

Possible a nom de plume for James or Sheena Maxwell

Florence N. David (Affiliated)

Great Statistician

Collaborated with Karl Pearson and

Lionel Penrose

     President RSS 1947-9*

He was Karl Pearson's research assistant.[2] Later he became a fellow at the Eugenics Laboratory of University College London.[3]

In 1906 he published "On the relation of fertility in man to social status".

                                                   A First Study of the Statistics of Insanity

Sir Bernard Mallet

Registrar General. President of

 RSS 1916-18*

A.W.F Edwards (Affiliated)

Gonville and Keyes (Cambridge)

Strident Disciple and Defender of  R.A. Fisher

e.g. at UCL Eugenics Inquiry

(LeWontin's Fallacy, 2003)

Steve Stigler (Historian) University of Chicago is

still a strident defender of  Francis Galton

(e.g. personal communication)


From my verbal testimony to the 2019 UCL Eugenics Inquiry

During the 1930s, the highly eminent psychiatrist Lionel Penrose developed non-verbal intelligence tests while attempting to investigate mental defect and its possible genetic causes. In 1945, Penrose was to become the third Galton Professor of Eugenics at UCL,, following which he worked closely with the 1600 or so patients in Harperbury Hospital in London's so called lunatic fringe while strongly influenced by his biological model for mental deficiency.

Many anti-psychotic drugs were introduced around the world during the 1950s, starting with the debilitating and much dreaded chlorpromazine, more commonly known nowadays as Largactil.

By this time Penrose was regarded as a leading expert in schizophrenia and other defect disorders, and the new anti-psychotics were used to treat and mistreat these disorders [ Note added later: Maybe I am alone in asserting that, despite the ways he has been publicly described, Penrose was a medical eugenicist, strongly influenced, and mislead in terms of bad statistics, by Galton, Fisher, and Penrose, whose work turned out to be highly damaging to vast swathes of our vulnerable populations]

I therefore find it very disconcerting that in papers describing the screening of psychotic behaviour by non-verbal intelligence tests, Lionel Penrose used a simplistic modification of Fisher's discriminant analysis together with bivariate NORMAL assumptions to supposedly objectify their highly subjective conclusions.

In his highly influential 1949 book the Biology of Mental Defect, the fourth edition of which was published in 1972, Penrose followed Galton and Pearson by including as mentally defective people situated in the tail of a normal curve supposedly representing the distribution of general intelligence in the population. I find this procedure to be both ad hoc and discriminatory e.g. towards children with special abilities.

In his 1975 book Prenatal Diagnosis and Selective Abortion, the Fourth Galton Professor Harry Harris advocated the abortion of foetuses when the baby is predicted, via genetic markers, to be mental defective, (e.g. suffering from Down's syndrome). So that sort of eugenics was still going on, amidst all the gloss, while I was at UCL.